
Mobile Apps Unlocked 2018: A Recap

An inside view by Kosta Demopoulos, US Manager of Programmatic.

Mobile Apps Unlocked (MAU) was an excellent experience for the M&C Saatchi Performance Team. MAU is a two-day conference in Las Vegas, which brings together 2,000 industry leaders in mobile. Founders, developers, CEOS and agency representatives gather to share their experience in mobile growth and retention.

One key topic was attribution and perspectives were varied; however, the biggest takeaway is that data is king. It is important to ensure that MMPs or Tracking Partners are offering as much information as possible to evaluate data. A lot of partners have product offerings to manipulate attribution windows for analysis purposes. The first step is to use that data to review what different attribution methods or attribution look-back windows reveal. Next, comparing the models to the expected user journey comes into play. This information is a combination of historical/client knowledge and the market as it stands. Channels work differently to try and capitalize on certain aspects of the user’s journey, but it is down to the mobile agency to find out where networks, social, programmatic, etc. fit into that path to conversion.

Additionally, there was a lot of content around automation. This concept isn’t exactly new to the mobile space, but it’s receiving more attention than ever as mobile capabilities are built out and technologies are refined. The major takeaway is categorized into the past and future. Past: A review of automated activity through desktop, followed by an evaluation of what worked well and what didn’t. What tangible creative, bidding, targeting and insights were extracted? How can this be replicated on mobile? And, the future takeaway is looking at innovation. How can users be engaged in ways desktop isn’t? How can interest be created, capitalized and monetized. And, most importantly, how will automation answer these questions more efficiently.

Overall, Mobile Apps Unlocked was an informative and engaging conference. From knowledge learned and views shared, it is clear, Mobile is expanding at a faster rate than ever and is the linchpin of digital marketing.

M&C Saatchi Performance is an award-winning performance marketing agency with 15+ years of experience under its shiny belt. To find out more about how we can support your digital marketing efforts, don’t hesitate to get in touch.