

Most Moleskine notebook and diary owners swear by them. There really is nothing quite like a good Moleskin. And if we’re looking for a fond digital equivalent, Evernote, the cloud-based notes app, makes sure you never forget an idea whether you’re at your computer, on the move, or leaning back with the tablet.

Both have their limitations, of course. Lose your Moleskine and you’re probably not going to take it lightly. But Evernote can’t offer the speed, ease and pleasure of writing by hand. And it is perhaps this acknowledgment that has led the two famous brands to jump into bed together, to create a special edition Evernote Smart Notebook, by Moleskin. Optimised for use with Evernote’s app, it will take full advantage of Evernote’s fantastic photographic handwriting recognition, meaning handwritten are notes safe, digital and fully searchable. [Read on].

It’s the perfect handshake between the leaders of their digital and physical marketplaces. It makes all the sense in the world. Simple.